How engineering companies can improve their recruitment

How engineering companies can improve their recruitment

Engineering is a highly sought-after profession, with a growing demand for engineers across the world. However, the state of hiring engineers remains a challenging task for companies. Engineering talent is highly competitive and companies often struggle to find the right talent for their organisation.

The State of Hiring Engineers

The current state of hiring engineers is highly competitive, with a limited supply of skilled engineers to meet the demand. This has resulted in companies competing for the same talent, often leading to a lengthy hiring process and a significant investment of resources. Companies have also found it challenging to attract top talent due to the limited pool of candidates with the required skills and experience.
Another challenge that companies face when hiring engineers is the changing nature of the engineering profession. Traditional engineering roles are rapidly evolving, and new technologies are emerging. As a result, companies require engineers with a wide range of skills and expertise, making it difficult to find the right fit for their organisation.

Improving Your Recruitment of Engineers

To improve their hiring of engineers, companies need to adopt a more strategic and proactive approach. Here are 4 ways that you can improve your engineering recruitment today:

1. Build a Strong Employer Brand

Building a strong employer brand is essential for attracting top engineering talent. Companies need to showcase their culture, values, and mission to attract engineers who align with their organisation’s goals. A strong employer brand can also help companies differentiate themselves from competitors and attract candidates who are passionate about their work.

2. Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and benefits play a critical role in attracting and retaining top engineering talent. Companies need to offer competitive compensation packages that reflect the value of the engineer’s skills and experience. Additionally, engineering companies should consider offering benefits such as flexible work schedules, private healthcare, and enhanced pension plans to attract and retain top talent.

Get your free salary survey for construction here.

3. Partner with Educational Institutions

Partnering with educational institutions is an effective way to identify and attract top engineering talent. Companies can collaborate with universities and collages to offer internships, apprenticeship programs, and mentorship opportunities. These programmes provide students with real-world experience and can lead to full-time employment opportunities for the students and a talent pipeline for the companies.

4. Look Further Afield for Candidates

In addition to the recommendations mentioned above, another way to improve the hiring of engineers is to look further afield for candidates. Companies can expand their search beyond their local area and even their country to find talented engineers from around the world.

Hiring internationally for engineers can provide many benefits for companies. Firstly, it allows companies to tap into a larger pool of talent and find engineers with unique skills and expertise that may not be available locally. Secondly, hiring internationally can bring a diversity of perspectives and ideas to the engineering team, which can lead to increased creativity and innovation.

However, there are also challenges and considerations that companies need to take into account when hiring internationally for engineers. One of the most significant challenges is navigating the complex legal and visa requirements for hiring international talent. Companies need to be familiar with the immigration laws and regulations in their country and the countries they are considering for hiring. Additionally, companies need to be aware of cultural differences and language barriers that may exist when hiring international talent. Companies may need to provide additional training and support to help international hires integrate into the team and adjust to the new cultural and linguistic environment. With careful planning and consideration, hiring internationally can be a valuable strategy for companies looking to build a diverse and talented engineering team.

Helping companies source the world’s best talent, while processing the complex visa and immigration processes, is what we specialise in at Crewit Resourcing. Reach out to us today to discover how we can help.

In conclusion, the state of hiring engineers is highly competitive, and companies face several challenges when trying to attract top talent. However, by adopting a strategic and proactive approach and implementing the recommendations outlined above, engineering companies can improve their hiring and build a strong and talented engineering team.

Presupuesto 2020 – Aspectos destacados para el sector ferroviario y de la construcción

Ayer, el Canciller anunció su Presupuesto para 2020 en medio de la creciente crisis del COVID-19.

Si el país lo necesita, lo construiremos», afirma el Canciller Rishi Sunak.

Rishi Sunak, al presentar su primer presupuesto ante la Cámara de los Comunes, anunció una serie de planes de gasto que apuntan al crecimiento de los sectores ferroviario y de la construcción.

Entre los aspectos más destacados del presupuesto del Canciller figuran los siguientes:

  • Más de 600.000 millones de libras en el presupuesto destinados a gasto en carreteras, ferrocarriles, banda ancha y vivienda para mediados de 2025.
  • Más de 44.000 millones de libras para transporte y 32.000 millones para vivienda y medio ambiente en el presupuesto de este próximo año.
  • El sector ferroviario está exento, ya que el Gobierno tiene previsto suprimir la desgravación fiscal anual del gasóleo rojo para 2022.

Para las industrias ferroviaria y de la construcción

Entrando en los detalles más precisos del Presupuesto 2020- West Yorkshire ha recibido un acuerdo que incluye más de 1.800 millones de libras en inversiones para «Impulsar la mejora del nivel de vida». El transporte está incluido en esta estrategia. El Midlands Rail Hub de Midlands Connect ha recibido 20 millones de libras adicionales para el proyecto.

A punto de cumplirse 3 años de la tragedia de la Torre Grenfell, se han destinado 1.000 millones de libras a un «fondo de seguridad» para eliminar los revestimientos combustibles de los edificios de más de 1,80 metros de altura.

Está previsto destinar 2.500 millones de libras a solucionar la crisis de los baches. Con el objetivo de reparar 10 millones de baches al año, los ayuntamientos han acogido favorablemente el plan, ya que en la actualidad reparan un bache cada 17 segundos.

Para empresarios y trabajadores

La preocupación por los trabajadores autónomos, ya que el brote de COVID-19 está aconsejando a un mayor número de personas que se autoaislen, ha presionado al Gobierno para que incluya esta cuestión en los Presupuestos. Han anunciado una ayuda de 500 millones de libras para los autónomos afectados por el Coronavirus. Esto da derecho a los autónomos a solicitar la prestación de empleo y manutención desde el primer día, en lugar del octavo.

El subsidio de enfermedad obligatorio se ampliará a todas las personas a las que se aconseje que se autoaislen (siempre que cumplan los requisitos). Para ayudar a los empresarios, correrán con los gastos de las empresas que tengan menos de 250 empleados, durante 14 días.

Para apoyar el flujo de caja durante el brote de COVID-19, se dispondrá de un préstamo temporal por interrupción de actividad por coronavirus de hasta 1,2 millones de libras. El British Business Bank ofrecerá el plan, que garantizará el 80% del valor del préstamo a prestamistas respaldados por el Gobierno sin coste alguno.

En función de la coyuntura económica, el Salario Nacional Vital aumentará hasta 10,50 libras por hora en 2024, y el umbral de la Seguridad Social de 8.362 a 9.500 libras. Esto se produce en un momento en que tanto el Salario Nacional Vital como el Salario Mínimo Nacional van a aumentar dentro de 3 semanas (véase la imagen de abajo).

Salario Mínimo Nacional y Salario Nacional Vital

¿Afectarán los anuncios a su empresa?

Saneamiento y equipos auxiliares

¿Ayudaría a sus centros a ser operativos durante el brote de COVID-19 disponer de enfermeras in situ para controlar a los trabajadores? ¿Quiere tener la seguridad de que sus sitios se desinfectan eficazmente?

Estamos asistiendo a una demanda de equipos especializados en desinfección y auxiliares, junto con enfermeros diplomados, para ayudar a aplicar nuevas medidas de control. Hemos creado una gama de soluciones para que su empresa siga siendo segura para trabajar y permanezca operativa.

Equipos especializados en saneamiento

Suministro de equipos pequeños/grandes de personal especializado en saneamiento a petición para mantener limpias sus instalaciones (con o sin certificaciones PTS o CSCS).

Enfermeras a los equipos de chequeo médico

Los enfermeros diplomados disponibles para los controles de salud in situ pueden suministrarse para su equipo actual o con un equipo de personal de calidad.

Formación sobre saneamiento in situ

Formación in situ para su equipo sobre cómo protegerse a sí mismos y a su lugar de trabajo, impartida por enfermeros titulados.

Para ayudar a su centro a mantenerse seguro, preparado y operativo, póngase en contacto ahora

Conservar nuestra acreditación Investors in People

Nos complace anunciar que hemos obtenido por segundo año consecutivo la acreditación «Invertimos en las personas, estándar» de Investors in People.

Tras un año de pandemia de coronavirus y adaptaciones del trabajo a distancia, Investors in People revisó la empresa y nos consideró merecedores del premio. La obtención de este galardón significa que los principios y prácticas de apoyo a las personas están implantados y que todo el mundo sabe cómo utilizarlos para mejorar el trabajo.

«Nos gustaría felicitar a Crewit Resourcing. Estar acreditado con Invertimos en las personas es un esfuerzo notable para cualquier organización, y sitúa a Crewit Resourcing en buena compañía con una gran cantidad de organizaciones que entienden el valor de las personas.» – Paul Devoy, CEO de Investors in People

Investors in People cree que el éxito de su organización empieza y termina con las personas. «Si hacemos que el trabajo sea mejor para todos, hacemos que el trabajo sea mejor para todas las organizaciones. Y si hacemos eso… hacemos que la sociedad sea más fuerte, más sana y más feliz».

A lo largo de un año de incertidumbre y rápidas adaptaciones, nuestro equipo se ha mantenido unido y ha demostrado nuestros valores «Above and Beyond» más de lo que jamás hubiera imaginado. Este es un equipo que estoy inmensamente orgulloso de liderar, y esta acreditación viene a demostrar por qué.» – Gary O’Keeffe, Consejero Delegado de Crewit Resourcing

La revisión abarcó 9 principios y evaluó áreas como:

  • Cultura de empresa
  • Responsabilidad social de las empresas
  • Procesos
  • Desarrollo del liderazgo y formación

Si estás interesado en unirte al equipo de Crewit Resourcing, visita nuestra página de carreras profesionales para puestos internos:

Acerca de Investors in People

La mayoría de nosotros pasaremos unas 80.000 horas en el trabajo a lo largo de nuestra vida.

Para algo que nos ocupa tanto tiempo, creemos que la gente se merece algo más que un sueldo normal.

Por eso ya hemos ayudado a más de 11 millones de personas de 75 países a trabajar mejor.

Y sabes qué, sólo estamos empezando…

Somos una empresa de interés comunitario, lo que significa que anteponemos nuestro propósito a nuestros beneficios. Eso significa que todo lo que hacemos y toda la dirección que tomamos se hace para mejorar el trabajo.

Las organizaciones que cumplen el marco Invertimos en nuestra gente se enorgullecen de mostrar su acreditación al mundo.

Porque entienden que son las personas las que hacen que el trabajo sea mejor.

2022 Rail Calendar Pack

Consiga su paquete de calendarios ferroviarios 2022 GRATIS

Hemos diseñado el calendario definitivo de Network Rail para ayudarle a planificar sus proyectos, recursos y materiales.

Dentro de este pack hemos incluido:

  • Períodos de Network Rail
  • Semanas de Network Rail
  • Días festivos

Y compilado el calendario en el siguiente paquete:

  • Archivos digitales, para utilizar con la impresora de la oficina y en su ordenador.
  • Archivos de impresión, para cuando desee un Calendario Ferroviario 2022 impreso profesionalmente o ampliado
  • Varios tamaños: A4, A3 y A1.

¿Le parece que este Pack Calendario 2022 Network Rail podría ayudarle? Introduzca su nombre y correo electrónico a continuación y podrá descargarlo al instante, de forma gratuita:

How to manage people effectively

How To Manage People Effectively

Your profitability, customer satisfaction and business development all depend on how capable, energised and motivated your people are. They generate your revenue, keep customers happy and unlock new business opportunities.

So, how do you motivate them?

The simple answer is keep them happy.

On an Individual Level

We can’t deny that income is a very basic but very important motivator for top candidates that companies will be competing over. However, it is not only competitive salary we are talking about, it is what you offer on top of the salary.
It’s essential to make your salary, bonus/benefits system clear and transparent. People love to be treated fairly and understand how the system works.

Things like medical and life insurance, cars/travel allowances, mobile phones and other IT tools have become ordinary packages. Having a smart bonus system that is linked to results adds value and is a key determining success factor.

Health & Wellbeing is a big trend for 2018: flexible working arrangements, gym discounts, employee assistance programmes, health days and sports competitions should be part of your people offering.

Different digital platforms with additional benefits, salary sacrifice schemes and perks comprise another stylish trend. Be ahead of the game.

Getting into the heads and hearts of your people is a winning strategy. Not crossing over any private barriers but understanding what makes them turn their performance up. Ask a simple question: “What is important for you?” and you will get to know each individual better, their needs and expectations. By asking “How can I help” and acting on the suggested items you can win your people.

All people want to see a perspective so having regular 1-2-1s and discussing the way your people can develop is a must-have to retain them. You are to help them to identify their next role and sponsor their growth into it: whether it’s an investment into training, finding internal or external mentor / coach, a short assignment – your investment will be returned. The only thing to remember is that you need to measure the output and make sure that the knowledge received from these initiatives is put into practice, sticks and brings value.

On a Team Level

People come for the company and leave because of a bad management.
Even if you can’t afford all the fancy benefits, investing into hiring and developing responsible, sustainable managers is a definite go.
You can endlessly try to create an agenda on the top level and pay your HR but if your line managers do not translate priorities, values, best practices and more importantly practice them, all efforts are useless.
Fact 1: Line managers are role models.
Fact 2: Minimum 30% of Line managers’ time should be spent on their people. Have you noticed how children pick up styles and habits from their parents? The same pretty much works here.
I developed a 5E mode for one of my clients which reflects the main purpose of every manager / leader:


Translate strategies into plans that can be effectively executed and engages others to constantly look for better ways of doing things.


Encourage others to act and think in ways that will get the job done, take appropriate risks on people using critical experiences and stretch assignments.


Minimise or remove barriers that get in the way of achieving results, sharing and leverage understanding of key business drivers to enable others to achieve better results.


Empower and coach others to build their skills, give constructive and actionable feedback to help people improve their performance, share knowledge and skills with others.


Embrace others via fostering a positive and inclusive working environment where all people feel respected and valued for their contributions.

If you do not share a bigger picture, coach or mentor, delegate and discuss what is important for your people and how they want to develop – you are at risk to lose them.

On a Company Level

Draw a line from the company’s strategic priorities to team priorities and then into individual ones. People engage more if they clearly understand your company’s direction and priorities and know exactly how they contribute to them. They feel much more valued if you ask them to make in input into creation of the strategy and consult them. Regardless of the level of seniority your people can have great ideas about the way you can improve on both strategic and operational levels. Just ask them! Then share business progress with regular updates, challenges and successes in an open and encouraging way. An awards system to reward the successes and people behaviours you want to see more, will help you to celebrate your wins!

Recruiting & Retaining Top Class Talent

Recruiting & Retaining Top Class Talent

The skills gap is becoming increasingly prominent in the construction industry, particularly rail. About 50% of all roles at a construction firm are on the UK’s Occupational Shortage List .This means there is an urgent need to up-skill employees and retain talent within your organisation. But how do we do this and how do we prepare for the future?

Below are examples of the multiple ways BCM Construction and CrewIt Resourcing successfully retain and gain the top talents into our companies.

Apprenticeship Programme

A trendy and forward-thinking way to attract talented individuals with a fresh perspective, right attitude and thirst for knowledge. It is increasingly popular in the view of corporate sustainability and the apprenticeship levy. Everything you need to know about apprenticeships you will find here.


  • We recommend you work with local job centres and councils.
  • Ongoing training is a key element to any apprenticeship programme.
  • You will need to have experienced mentors assigned to your apprentices.
  • Monetary motivational scheme in place to reward them.
  • It is mid-term investment.

Student / Graduate Programme

The bright minds with the latest industry and practical knowledge – Why wouldn’t you hire them?  Programmes can be engineered for graduates with full-time and permanent employment, “sandwich year” or 2nd year students that require/choose a 1-year work placement, short internships (e.g. summer time).

All you need to do is to create very specific roles, assign line managers (ideally mentors) and identify universities you would like to target.  Universities typically have career fairs and job boards where you can operate a stand. You can also find students via standard means of job boards.


  • Best time to recruit students / graduates is March.
  • Rotation programme for your students to get exposure to various roles business.
  • Student/graduate expectations are high and they are difficult to retain. If you hire students who then go back to university you need to offer them some incentive for them to return to you.
  • This is a mid-term investment.

Working Placement

Working with schools and colleges can be very beneficial, not only do you get interesting talents for short internships, but you also influence the next generation in the sense of guiding them towards a well-balanced choice of their future profession and raise awareness about an industry you operate in.


  • Choose local schools and colleges.
  • This is a long-term investment.

Other Industries

Going outside of your industry to bring in new people can be very rewarding and productive. Here you will need some out-of-box thinking and lots of flexibility. When hiring people outside of your industry you will primarily rely on leadership competencies, rather than technical knowledge. It is critically important to look at the potential of people, their ability to adapt, absorb, learn and develop quickly.


  • Approach this option by testing adaptability, ability to learn, leadership attributes.
  • You will need to explain all specifics of your industry, especially if technical knowledge is required.
  • This is a mid-term investment.

Other Countries

Broadening geographical boundaries can bring diverse pool of talents. European Union countries do not require work permit yet. To bring people from other countries into the UK you will need to arrange a working visa for them.  You will need to obtain a licence from Home Office and provide sponsorship. See more information here.  It is a good way to retain talents as once sponsored by you they can only work for your company.


  • It is a lengthy and quite expensive process.
  • It can be helpful to get professional consultants to help you with this.
  • This is a short-term investment.

Process Is Key

Regardless of whether you consider all these alternative means of bringing real stars into your company or you stick to regular means, it is always a great idea to have a robust recruitment process in place.

This can include:

  • Writing a proper job description capturing responsibilities and requirements of the role. The more precise you are, the easier it will be to match candidates against it. It is quite important then to adapt it to an eye-catching job posting and include attractive summary and package that is suggested with this role.
  • You can post the job on job boards but also any professional sites and forums, alongside going to local job centres.
  • You will need to clearly identify roles and responsibilities within your recruitment process, what recruiters/HR oversee and what hiring managers cover.
  • It is necessary to get back to all applicants, including those unsuccessful, even if it is just thanking for application and giving a standard: “other applicants were more successful on this occasion”.
  • Quick phone interviews help to create a short list of right candidates, that can simply cover interest to this role, relevant knowledge and experience, salary expectations, notice. Consider video interviews – a modern and helpful substitution of phone calls.
  • Face-to-face interviews should be competency-based. You create a list of important behaviours for the role on top of required knowledge and experience. You then simulate or retrieve a real-life situation when this or that behaviour can be demonstrated and turn it into a question. Your questions should always start from: “Tell me about a time when you…” You need to then control their answer, making sure they tell you about a specific situation rather than a hypothetical case.  You can guide your candidates telling them that you would like to hear about a Situation, Task, Activity, Result – read more here.
  • Interviews are an opportunity for you not only to ask your questions, but also answer those from candidate as they also make a choice and promote your company.
  • Continuous contact, dialogue and prompt process will help to retain your candidates whilst you make a choice rather than losing them halfway.

We hope these top tips will help you to attract the best talent for your company.  Here at Crewit Resourcing we can provide further guidance on the above and much more; our professional team of dedicated recruitment consultants will be happy to help you.